
Monday, January 18, 2010

Ipods continue to change education

As mentioned in the previous posting, Ipods are having a dramatic impact on how education is changing to meet the needs of today's learners. Students in Minnesota have begun using them with remarkable results. Read the article here.

If you're interested inig having students work with digital images in a creative way, check out Big Huge Labs' site This site has been approved by the district and restrictions have been removed. There are a variety of programs that students can use to upload photographs and then turn them into creative projects. One that my students have used is called Mosaic. Students first register for free, then they have access to this program to create a mosaic of pictures. Once done, they can download it into their folder on the server. After that, the mosaic can be imported into Microsoft Word where they can use text bubbles to add details. Click here to see an example of one.
Happy surfing!

Friday, January 8, 2010

iphones revoluntionizing education

Here's the link to a great article I came across recently - talks about how iphones are going to revolutionize education in ways we can't even begin to imagine. Follow this link to read all about it - iphone in the classroom We may have to rethink what our district policy says when it comes to using cell phones in the classroom.

As an aside to this, another great example of using cell phones in the classroom can be found in the book "From Toys to Tools". I have a copy and if you'd like to take a look at it after I'm done with it, let me know. You can also order your own copy from Amazon and use your pro-d funds to pay for it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Committed Sardine

Hello everyone,
Happy New Year! Hard to believe 10 years have passed since the millenium. One can only wonder what technological wonders await us in the decades to come. This will actually be my focus at the next staff meeting when I give a presentation on how technology is going to impact education. That ties in to today's blog posting.

Blogs are an increasingly common way of sharing information. Last year I used a program called Edublogs which allowed students to be able to write in a blog and respond to questions that I posed. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of blogs on every conceivable subject. A good one that I have found is called The Committed Sardine and can be found by clicking on the link. It is an informative site with lots of relevant articles on technology and education. If you click on Resources you will find digital handouts that you can read. Some of them include "Understanding Digital Kids I & II", "Living on the Future Edge" and "Teaching for tomorrow". The articles are not very long but are well worth reading.

I will be incorporating information from them in my presentation. If you click on the Blog link on the home page, you come to a very interesting blog that is updated daily with links to the latest and bizarre happenings in the world of technology. Some of them are very interesting while others are extremely funny and good for a laugh. Check it out.