
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holographic rock concerts

We've all seen holographs at one time or another. However, the technology around holograms has advanced significantly. Japanese music artists are now incorporating holographic singers into their concerts. Is the end of the rock musician as we know it? Hardly, but it does give us a glimpse into the future - imagine having ten rock concerts of the Rolling Stones at the same time in different cities around the world as the audiences watch 3D holographic images of the band? What about being able to web conference with another class using this technology?

As always there are positive and negative sides to technology. Time will tell.
Check out the concert on the video by clicking here.

Monday, November 15, 2010

We're back!!!!

Yes, after a long absence the GSS Tech blog has returned in all its glory. For those of you who are just joining us, the purpose of this blog is to keep GSS staff informed and up to date on the latest technology in the education field. It will also focus on the impact of technology in the classroom.
Having said that, it is always a plus to have feedback on the postings or suggestions from you, the reader, about what you would like to know more about. So don't hesitate to add a comment or email me suggestions at

Today's article looks at the perceived dangers of texting and facebook being worse than watching TV. Our generation grew up watching hours and hours of TV - how is that any different than today's kids spending hours and hours texting and facebooking? This article by Education Week makes the argument that as long as students are doing their homework, spending all that time online may not be the worst thing in the world. To see the article go to Education Week website by clicking HERE.